A szerző önéletírása angolul, mely magyarul ˝Isten túláradó kegyelme életemben˝ címen jelent meg.
Fritz Berger (1868–1950) was the founder of the Evangelischer Bruederverein (EBC), an evangelical church in Switzerland. He was living in extreme poverty when God chose him to be a living witness of his grace. Step by step, he writes how God guided him from being a lost sinner to repentance and new life in Jesus Christ.
The author speaks in plain honesty of his struggles, the wrong concepts he had and the lessons he learnt. It is his desire to give the reader a taste of the incomparable riches of God’s grace.
This book conveys important lessons on personal faith in God and spiritual warfare. Above all, it vividly demonstrates God’s abundant love, grace and patience towards those who trust him as their Lord and Saviour.